
Welcome Angel Martinez #mmromance #serioustopics

Hi, Lee and thanks for having me! I’ve probably written as many humorous stories as I have serious, and even the more serious stories usually have lighter moments.

Restoration is not a funny story. It’s not in any way a funny subject. But talking about male rape can be tricky since it’s one of the most under-reported crimes in the US. We’re not comfortable talking about it and so the myths people have spouted for years are perpetuated. In perpetuating the myths, we minimize the seriousness of the crime and often the credibility of the victim while we also minimize the responsibility of the rapist.

I wrote this story, originally titled Aftermath as a reaction to one of these myths being spouted on the radio. This is not a story about rape – it’s a story about a survivor and his partner and how they put the pieces back together. All cases of rape, male or female, have myths attached to them, but there are some myths specific to male rape.

The biggest one? It’s one I’m surprised to still be hearing, but it’s still out there:

Myth – Men can’t be raped.

Of course they can. A man’s strength, his appearance, and his sexuality have nothing to do with it. It has nothing to do with engaging in behaviors or dressing in a way that “asked for it.” Rape, no matter the gender, is not a sexual crime. It’s a violent crime designed to exert power and control.

But male rape so often goes unreported because the victim blames himself. From the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault: “Another major concern facing male rape victims is society's belief that men should be able to protect themselves and, therefore, it is somehow their fault that they were raped.” This, coupled with the fear of dismissal and disbelief that many male victims experience contribute to non-reporting.

If you are a survivor, only you can make that decision. No one should try to compel you in either direction. If you do report, please take support with you—a friend, an advocate. Reach out. Don’t feel you have to get through this alone.

National Sexual Assault Hotline

by Angel Martinez
Mischief Corner Books
All Romance

Victor and Cody have the American dream - a house, two cars, upwardly mobile income, and each other - but all is not well in paradise. Cody's trust in other people’s goodwill led to one recent assault. A few months later, a friend’s betrayal leads to another. Battered every waking moment by fear and shame, all his joyful creative energy transforms into brittle, aggressive lashing out.

Victor, wracked by guilt and shackled to a grueling, time-devouring career, must find a way to help Cody back from the darkness and to keep him safe from his self-destructive behavior. With the help of a common-sense therapist, some loyal friends and Cody's own impetuous nature, their recovery and their relationship might even stand a chance.

Please Note: This is a re-edited third edition with expanded content. (Formerly titled Aftermath)

About Angel:

Angel Martinez is the erotic fiction pen name of a writer of several genres who writes mainly Science Fiction and Fantasy with gay heroes. Currently living part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware, (and full time inside the author's head) Angel has one husband, one son, two cats, a changing variety of other furred and scaled companions, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate.

For more information on Angel’s work, please visit:

Website: Erotic Fiction for the Hungry Mind
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Angel.Martinez.author
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1010469.Angel_Martinez
Email: ravenesperanza@yahoo.com

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To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings, 1955
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