
Story Orgy Presents: Like A Wolf Part 3 #storyorgy #mmromance

Good morning all! Sorry for my tardiness; I had a difficult deadline, but it's passed. Catching up on other things while I wait for edits.  Welcome back to part three of Like A Wolf, my version of Little Red Riding Hood. Are you hungry?
I know someone who is!  

Like A Wolf

A Little Red Riding Hood Story In Which the Wolf Must Choose Between Innocent Red, and the Seductively Skilled Hunter He’s Been Toying With For Years

Feb 2: It looked like snow.
“But I don’t understand, Robbie. You said he’s hot, and he was flirting with you in your restaurant. He’s obviously gay and has good taste. So many men don’t you know. That’s terribly important when you’re talking about forever. Why just think of your grandfather and that ridiculous boar’s head he refused to part with.” Grandmere poked him with one knobby finger. “I had to live with that hideous thing in my house for sixty-five years.”
The glass doors whooshed open in front of them and a blast of cool air rushed out. Robert hastily wrapped an arm around his frail grandmother. She felt the cold much more these days. “Are you sure you don’t want me to go back for your sweater?”
Shoving his arm away, Grandmere shook her head in a knowing fashion. “No. And don’t change the subject.”
“I wasn’t! You’re just…”
A dangerous glint lit her eyes. Her clacking heels stopped. She tipped her head back and glared at him in challenge. “I’m what?”
He bit his lips to stifle laughter and concern alike. “Wonderful. So… Lunch and a movie? You folks here like to live dangerously.”
She slipped a hand through the crook of his elbow and patted his arm gently. “Oh the Parkdale Senior Center is a hip and with-it organization dear. Or is it rad and tubular that you kids say these days?” She looked up at him in inquiry.
“Uh.” Robert choked. “Definitely not rad and tubular. Given it’s a senior center, let’s stick with hip, why don’t we?”
“Are you trying to be clever dear?” They followed glittery signs to a pair of double doors that were propped open. An easel just in front of the doors asked Hungry? in purple glitter.
Just the word made Robert’s stomach tense and a bead of sweat dewed his lip. Damn. Was he going to have to fight off arousal every time he heard or saw the word hungry? In the restaurant business? Really?
“Do you like it?” Grandmere asked, pointing at the sign with pride. “Ethel and I made it. I thought it turned out quite nicely.”
He realized he’d been staring at the sign… probably drooling, for all he knew… “It’s fabulous.” His voice was too loud… Embarrassment flushed his cheeks a deep read, People were turning and smiling. His gaze skittered across the room, fleeing sympathy and scorn.
A figure in a black apron stood at the buffet table, lean. tall… solid… sexy. Oh my god. Hungry. Not… “That’s Hank Wolf!”
“Yes dear. We old people like to eat dangerously, too.” His grandmother leaned up on her tip toes and whispered loudly in his ear. “Why… I heard that the movie is going to be PG- 13. That delicious Chris Hemsworth… in tights! It just gives me palpitations!” She fluttered her lashes at him dramatically and Robert was forced to laugh.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Robert focused intently on her, but he could feel Hank Wolf watching them now. “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant. Let’s find some seats and then I’ll bring you a plate, okay?” He made a show of searching the sea of elderly faces and figures for a few empty chairs, but the truth was there was plenty of available seating and he was just trying to avoid the fact that he’d just made an idiot of himself in front of Hank Wolf… twice.
He scurried as far from the buffet as he could, tried to find the most remote table so he could hide from both Hank and his embarrassment, but Grandmere resisted.
“I want to sit up here by the windows, Robert. It’s much warmer.”
Giving in as gracefully as he could managed, Robert pasted on a smile, greeted the two elderly men and a blue haired lady already seated at the table for six and pulled out a chair for his Grandmere.
“Did you know he was catering this?” He whispered out the corner of his mouth to her. as he pushed her chair forward.
“Of course I did, dear. I made the sign, I told you that.” She didn’t roll her eyes, but the exasperation was clear in her voice.
“I meant did you know he was the one… I was talking… mentioned?” Now he was rolling his eyes at himself. The truth was out though. In all honesty, he really hadn’t stopped talking about Hank Wolf since he’d seen him at Hungry on Friday night. Hank’s visit to his place Monday had just given him more to talk about.
Grandmere narrowed her eyes at him in a withering glare. “We had to book this even months ago dear. Now, I may have recognized the name when you mentioned him Saturday morning at breakfast, but… Why don’t you be a good boy and go fetch me and Ethel a plate?”
Smiling politely, Robert nodded. The last thing he wanted to do was walk over to that buffet line and fill a plate with Hank’s food while Hank stood by watching. But he didn’t have any choice, because he was, after all, a good boy. “Is there anything in particular you want or don’t want?”
“Oh no dear. We want to try everything. This is supposed to be an amazing feast.”
His feet dragged, but his heart raced as he joined the queue at the buffet table. Three servers in black aprons were asking each diner the same question, “Hungry?” And every time his ears caught the word, Robert shuddered.
Remembering the sensual, phallic meal Hank had served him on Friday, he was almost afraid to look at the table, but the scents were astounding. He picked up two plates and looked up to meet the server’s eyes. “Yes. They’re hungry.” His voice caught on the word, his cheeks heated… again. Robert jerked his head back over his shoulder to indicate his grandmere and her friend. “They want to try everything.”
The svelte blonde smiled seductively. “What about you handsome? What do you want to try?”
Robert blinked rapidly as a low growl rose from the other end of the table. Hair rose on the back of his neck, on his arms. “Um...I’ll…”
“I’ll fix his plate. You just keep this line moving.”
Robert’s lips parted on a sigh, his body hummed in acknowledgement. “Uh…” Unable to produce a word that made sense, he just waved the two pieces of china around.
He wouldn’t look. He refused to look. A tiny bowl of something landed on each plate. It looked like snow. He blinked again, glanced up, lips parted to ask. His gaze clashed with Hank’s, his mouth snapped shut and he swallowed his breath, choking.
“Sonny…” A brutal whack between the shoulder blades from an old man behind him got him breathing again. “I’d like to sample this meal before my pacemaker warranty runs out, if you don’t mind.”
“Sorry. So sorry to hold up the line.” He spoke to the crowd, but his vision blurred so he couldn't’ pick out any faces. Better that way. He moved down the line, no longer aware of the scents or the appearance of the food, conscious only of Hank’s deep blue eyes watching him and his own breath, lifting his chest, flaring his nostrils. 
It was amazing that he made it back to the table without spilling anything. He presented the plates to Grandmere and Ethel, and slumped into his own seat with a sigh of relief.
“And for you, Red. If I’d known you were coming I’d have cooked something for you. But this meal is special, designed to suit the theme of the gathering. Norse gods and all.”
The relief vanished when that deep, rough voice spoke right next to him. A plate full of exotic food appeared in front of him, and Robert’s stomach growled loudly. He covered his eyes with his hand and moaned in embarrassment. Why not? Why the fuck not? “Thank you,” Robert mumbled, refusing to look up.
Hank continued to stand next to him, as though waiting for him to take a bite, so Robert did. He scooped some of the snow onto a spoon and tasted it. “Green apple?”
“Granita. Palate cleanser.”
“It looks like snow.” Stupid. “I like it. It goes well with the….” He realized he hadn’t actually tasted anything else and forked up a bite of fish.
“I have to get back. It’s good to see you again, Red.”
Robert made a show of not swallowing, continuing to chew until Hank gave up waiting for a response and left. He swallowed what nwo tasted like sawdust and met four pairs of narrowed eyes defiantly. “What?”
“Boy… If you were my grandson…” One of the old men shook his head and gave Grandmere a pitying look. “Rosie, you’ll have to work hard to get this one up to snuff.”
“He’s a good boy. Just shy.” She squeezed his hand under the table, and Robert relaxed. He might be a disappointment, or an embarrassment, but he was loved.
He ate the rest of the meal in silence, listening to the older people at the table chat and laugh. His watched chimed, and he folded his napkin in relief. “Grandmere, I have to go. I am working the night shift at the diner.” He scooted back his chair and smiled politely at the rest of the table. “Enjoy your film.”
Grandmere stood up and walked a few feet away from the table with him, until they stood just beside the door and her handmade sign. “I think you should go say good-bye to Mr. Wolf. He didn’t stop watching you all through the meal.”
“Oh no… I can’t.” He shook his head frantically, then pushed the lock of yellow hair that had fallen in his eye back behind his ear.
“Robert… Look at me. I’m eighty-five years old and getting my jollies watching young men in tights save the world. I never had a lot of the things you did… never finished high school let alone college. I had a good life… but I often wonder how things would have been different if I hadn’t met your grandpere. If he hadn’t been such a charming rascal.”
He bit his lip and reached for her hand. “Grandmere… you can go to college. I can help you.”
Grandmere snatched her hand back and pushed him lightly in the chest. “Don’t be silly. I haed school. I had a great life. I want you to have it too. That rascally chef… well, he reminds me of your grandpere when he was young, and … You’re a good boy, Robert. Too good. I want that,” she nodded over his shoulder, and even though he couldn't’ see, he knew she was indicating Hank. “for you. If you don’t do anything bad… or risky, then you aren’t really living life are you? Take a chance. Ask that scalawag to have a drink with you… not that tame coffee stuff couples do now either. A good old-fashioned whisky. Share a whisky and see what happens.” She pulled him down, brushed dry lips over his cheek and whispered in his ear. “That’s how I caught grandpere, you know. Lowered his inhibitions with a good stiff drink, and he forgot all about my age and his.”
“Argh.” The garbled sound was all he could manage as Grandmere nodded serenely and walked back to her friends.
“Were you leaving?” Hank appeared before him.
Stealth chef. That’s what he was. Sneaky. “I have to work. My assistant manager needs the night off.
“That’s too bad. I was kind of hoping we could watch Thor together.” Hank’s brows waggled suggestively. “Chris Hemsworth? And don’t tell anyone,” he leaned in close so his breath brushed Robert’s ear. “But I have a real thing for these Marvel super hero movies. I have every episode of S.H.I.E.L.D dvr’ed.”
The disappointment in Hanks’ voice sounded genuine, and the heated caress of his words made Robert’s knees weak. He stiffened his spine, found his voice, and his balls, and … “We close early on Monday’s. I’m going to head over to Toro for some tapas and wine afterward, if you’d like to meet me.”


If you enjoyed my post, click on over to the rest of the Orgiasts and read more! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes! Oh my, I love grandmere. What an awesome chapter. Can't wait until Wolf and Red meet up for tapas and drinks!


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